
Dissolution NOT Secession

Tribune libre 2011

103 Canmore Road,
_ Glenrothes,
_ Fife,
_ KY7 4BJ,
The Editor,
_ Vigile.net
Firstly let me apologize for not being able to submit this letter in
Scottish independence is often referred to as being a case of secession. It is, in fact, incorrect to use the words 'secede' or 'secession' with regard
to Scottish independence. For a secession to occur the parent country,
which with regard to the current constitutional status of Scotland is Great
Britain, would have to continue, albeit in a modified form - that would not
be the case. The country of Great Britain was created by the joining of the kingdoms of Scotland and England through the Treaty of Union in 1707. When Scotland regains its independence that treaty will effectively be DISSOLVED and Great Britain will CEASE to exist.
'In contrast, Lane says, Scotland cannot break away like Ireland as it was
'one of the basic building blocks of "the United Kingdom of Great Britain"
(Lane 1991: 146). Without Scotland there is no 'Great Britain' and without
Great Britain there is no 'United Kingdom'.'
SOURCE: 'SCOTTISH INDEPENDENCE: A Practical Guide' by Jo Eric Murkens with Peter Jones and Michael Keating, p.109, ISBN 0-7486-1699-3.
'United Kingdom: Scotland is NOT part of England' -
_ http://follonblogs.blogspot.com/2011/07/united-kingdom-scotland-is-not-part-of.html,
'Understanding Scottish Independence' -
_ http://follonblogs.blogspot.com/2010/01/understanding-scottish-independence.html,
'The Sovereignty of the Scottish People' -
_ http://follonblogs.blogspot.com/2008/06/sovereignty-of-scottish-people.html,
'Scottish Sovereignty and Independence' -
_ http://follonblogs.blogspot.com/scottish-sovereignty-and-independence.html.
Yours sincerely,
_ Michael Follon
-- Envoi via le site Vigile.net (http://www.vigile.net/) --

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  • Archives de Vigile Répondre

    30 juillet 2011

    Tiens, tiens ils n'ont pas peur d'utiliser le mot indépendance, les Écossais. Ils devraient envoyer cela au PQMarois.
    Pierre Cloutier