Le mépris
Il est vrai que la une du Maclean's trompe en donnant à la lutte étudiante le visage d'un manifestant masqué aux airs de djihadiste qui ne reflète aucunement le mouvement.
Il est vrai que la une du Maclean's trompe en donnant à la lutte étudiante le visage d'un manifestant masqué aux airs de djihadiste qui ne reflète aucunement le mouvement.
La nouvelle une du magazine Maclean's risque de faire réagir.
Philippe Teisceira-Lessard - Maclean's frappe encore. Le dernier numéro montre à la u...
Articles du Maclean's sur la corruption au Québec
En dernier lieu, le Conseil blâme le magazine Maclean’s pour avoir refusé de collaborer et de répondre, devant le tribunal d’honneur, de la plainte les concernant.
" Jan Wong famously wrote in the Globe and Mail that the Dawson and Polytechnique killings found their roots in Quebec’s language laws. That prejudiced nonsense was backed by the Globe’s editors (to Jean Charest’s very great chagrin. Lawrence Martin based part of his book demonizing Lucien Bouchard...
It appears Quebecers agree that Quebec is most corrupt province in Canada
by macleans.ca on Thursday, October 14, 2010
Mathieu Belanger/Reuters
Maclean’s has heard a great many voices over the past two weeks regarding our recent cover story on corruption in Quebec politics (“T...
Petite histoire d'une manchette savante
Quel journal fera un jour le bilan contemporain de la corruption politique partout au Canada et aura l'intelligence d'en rechercher les conséquences et surtout les causes?
BARRIE McKENNA - Okay, let’s all take a deep breath. There’s no hard evidence that Quebec is Canada’s most corrupt province. And in spite of what you may think, the federal government isn’t a cesspool of bribery, cronyism and influence-peddling either. Canadians should never be complacent or cynical. Left unchecked, corruption has a nasty way of working into the fibre of a...
New round in Canada's never-ending Anglo-Franco wars
Michael Werbowski - The province of Quebec is a bit like a perpetually petulant adolescent. It's now going through one of its periodic identity crises or nervous fits. Twenty years after the first referendum on independence of 1980...
The controversy over the Maclean’s cover story on political corruption in Quebec has brought to the surface an explosive mix of touchy subjects. What has been gained? What are we to make of this episode? What effect will it have on the province’s political landscape? Maclean’s seldom shies away from controversy and its story, the commentary, and the picture of Bonhomme Carnaval with a briefcase full of cash were ...
Why are they so afraid of admitting it?
Western Standard: Monday, October 04, 2010 MPs took the unprecedented step Wednesday night of unanimously denouncing articles published by the country’s national news magazine, Maclean’s. […] But the suggestion that all of Quebec was the “most corrupt province” was too much, apparently, for MPs from all parties, who unanimously supported the motion from Bloc Q...
This bonhomme’s post mortem by Martin Patriquin on Monday, October 4, 2010 3:22pm - Well, that was most interesting. What follows is an odds-and-sods roundup of the last four berzerker weeks, which began as a series of discussions with my editors and ended with a parliamentary rebuke. It’s familiar ground by now, best summarized here, so I’ll limit myself to a few thoughts of the aftermath....
According to the editors of Maclean’s magazine, Quebecers deserve better than governments mired in corruption allegations. On this at least, the Toronto-based magazine and the majority of Quebecers happen to agree. Indeed, long before Maclean’s invested itself with the ultimately failed journalistic mission of outing Quebec as the most corrupt province in Canada, Jean Charest’s Liberal regime had becom...
MacPherson nous fait comprendre que Rogers nous chie dessus deux fois (excuses à la Marionnette de GESCA pour le langage vulgaire...)
Maclean's publisher feared boycott of wireless and its other magazines By DON MACPHERSON, The Gazette October 2, 2010 When Premier Jean Charest's office finally released his letter of protest to Maclean's three days after he sent it, Charest as much as admitted that he was only going through the motions for the benefit of the home crowd. He said he really didn't expect the magazine to satisfy his demand for...
National Post David Frum - Well that was a real service to Canada. Parli...
By Les MacPherson, The StarPhoenix October 2, 2010 - Maclean's magazine should wear as a badge of honour its unanimous rebuke by the House of Commons over a cover story calling Quebec the most corrupt province in Canada. It is to protect their political hides in that province that MPs of all parties voted this week to stifle further discussion on the awkward subject by formally denouncing Macl...
By PETER WORTHINGTON - Belleville Intelligencer - What on earth is the fuss about? Surely, Maclean's magazine's cover story "Quebec: The most corrupt Province," is ho-hum stuff, and hardly warrants the outrage being expressed at the magazine's temerity? It is political correctness run amok. One of those things we all know about, all occasionally discuss and deplore, but feel resigned and hel...
Vous dites que vous m'aimez? Eh bien... moi non plus.
Comme d'autres, il m'est arrivé, de temps en temps, de m'arrêter pour me demander si j'étais toujours d'accord avec ma décision d'être indépendantiste, décision prise lucidement durant la Crise d'octobre justement. La réponse a toujours été oui. L'article du magazine de Toronto m'a permis de répondre sans hésitation qu'aujourd'hui, encore plus qu'il y a 40 ans, j'ai la conviction qu'il faut aller au bout de notre démarche de souveraineté.
Quebecers more concerned about corruption than anyone else in Canada
by Aaron Wherry - Quebecers are more concerned about corruption and the ethical standards of their politicians than the residents of any ot...
Secondly, it’s impossible to refute the article on a factual basis.
They couldn't agree to disagree on anything without causing an angry squabble on the House of Commons floor, yet all four House leaders huddled in private this week to fix a vote on a matter of extreme parliamentary urgency. It wasn't to help the jobless, reform pensions or improve health care. Nope, what united every MP into a furious chorus of condemnation was, of all things, a magazine cover. Yes, a Hou...
by Paul Wells McLean's No political commentator working in Canada today is read with as much [anticipation as Chantal Hébert->31067]. She’s obviously the class of the field, and I’m belabouring the point only because her column today is rather spectacularly beneath her usual standards. In early 2009 I spoke to a pretty conservative audience in Toronto. (OK, it was a Fraser Institute event,...
By Chantal Hébert National Columnist MONTREAL According to the editors of Maclean’s magazine, Quebecers deserve better than governments mired in corruption allegations. On this at least the Toronto-based magazine and the majority of Quebecers happen to agree. Indeed, long before Maclean’s invested itself with the ultimately failed journalistic mission of outing Quebec as the most corrupt provin...
It isn't often that the House of Commons sees fit to officially censure the media. It's bad enough that our politicians aren't eager to talk about corruption in Quebec, but what grates is that they don't want anyone else to talk about it, either. Maclean's magazine recently published a cover story calling Quebec "the most corrupt province in Canada." As the magazine's editors have acknowledged, that contenti...
A veteran Quebec sovereignist accuses Maclean’s of ‘constructive xenophobia’
Are Maclean’s writers, Coyne in particular, and its editors who have published his piece as sound journalism and commentary, xenophobic about Quebec? The answer lies in this question: Had Coyne written that Jews were pathologically greedy, Blacks pathologically lazy or Newfoundlanders pathologically goofy, the copy would have been thrown out the window.
Puisque j'ai grandi à Montréal, je ne peux pas dire que j'ai été totalement surpris de lire à la une du Maclean's que la corruption existe au Québec. Cela étant dit, je voudrais bien jeter un œil sur les recherches que les journalistes de la revue Maclean's ont effectuées avant de conclure que la Belle Province est la plus corrompue du Canada — si ces recherches existent. Prenons la Colombie-Britannique, par exem...
Politicians often use it as a ploy to dismiss criticism from non-Quebecers
Maybe it's because Jean Charest knows that a lot of Quebecers blame him rather than Maclean's for the magazine's cover story calling Quebec "the most corrupt province in Canada." But his letter to the magazine demanding an apology is a half-hearted gesture. His office didn't even mention the letter until yesterday, three days after it was sent, and then only when journalists asked whether one had been sent. ...
La ligne est parfois très mince entre finasser, mépriser l'intelligence d'autrui et se ridiculiser de manière irréparable!
Le Maclean's sur la corruption au Québec
Le premier ministre exige des excuses de la part du magazine
Robert Dutrisac Québec — Le premier ministre Jean Charest s'est porté à la d...
Les électeurs québécois ont prouvé qu’ils supportent mal les politiciens corrompus. Cela permet d’espérer.
Le Québec a bel et bien un problème. Son système politique ne répond plus aux attentes de sa population
Après ça, ils prennent leurs airs surpris et se désolent quand les scandales éclatent au grand jour
J’aimerais bien que l’incident du MacLean’s serve de leçon et en réveille quelques-uns. Malheureusement, comme d’habitude les médias se complaisent dans les réactions de vierges offensées et personne ne pointe du doigt le système qui génère ce genre de problèmes qui empoisonnent notre vie politique. J’espère que mon texte apportera un éclairage différent et éveillera quelques esprits.
Le magazine a fait un «amalgame d'informations erronées, d'allégations non fondées prises au hasard de l'histoire»
The real disgrace is that our political classes in Ottawa and Quebec constantly attack any mention of the endemic corruption in that province as bigotry, in order to avoid ever having to address it.
By LORRIE GOLDSTEIN, QMI Agency - The problem with bribes is they don’t just corrupt the bribee. They corrupt the briber as well. That’s being overlooked in the latest phony, only-in-Canada “controversy” over the Maclean’s cover story describing Quebec as Canada’s most corrupt province. All the usual suspects in Quebec and Ottawa — provincial and federal ...