Écosse et indépendance

Michael Ignatieff hands Quebec separatists an unexpected gift

In February, Justin Trudeau shocked Canadians when he told a Radio-Canada interview...

C'tivident! "Je parle pour ne rien dire"...

Indépendance du Québec: les propos de Ignatieff surprennent

L’ancien chef libéral fédéral Michael Ignatieff avait suggéré, lors d’une entrevue à la BBC, que le Québec et le Canada étaient pratiquement déjà deux pays souverains.

WOW, allô la thèse de Moore.... une prothèse... Uni plus qu'hier, moins que demain... Connard!

Ignatieff souhaite que le Québec reste au sein du Canada

«C'est la responsabilité de M. Ignatieff, de M. Rae et du Parti libéral de faire des déclarations pour unifier le pays, pas de nous diviser, a-t-il dénoncé (James Moore). Et la thèse de M. Ignatieff est entièrement fausse: le Canada va être uni aujourd'hui, demain et pour une centaine d'années qui s'en vient.»

Quebec will 'eventually' become independent: Ignatieff

---- By PETER O’NEIL, Vancouver Sun OTTAWA— Former Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff says Quebec will “eventually” become an independent country and that a victory for Scottish sepa...

Scottish independence

It’ll cost you

Scottish independence would come at a high price

IN 1698 the nobles and landowners of the Kingdom of Scotland tried to elevate their country to a world trading nation by colonising the isthmus of Panama. The Darien scheme failed and nearly bankrupted the country. Within a decade Scotland had sig...

Scottish independence

MoD criticised for independence complacency

By David Maddox and Andrew Whitaker - A POWERFUL Westminster committee has heav...

The End of Labour?

Colin Kidd writes about the Scottish Question

Colin Kidd writes about the Scottish Question _ Vol. 34 No. 5 · 8 March 2012 The prospect before the Labour Party has changed very dramatically since the start of the year. Instead of a hard but manageable slog to overtake the Conservatives as Britain’s largest party at the next general election, Labour politicians now contemplate a dismal scene of long-term exclusion from government: from the governmen...

Scottish independence

David Cameron offers a deal to reject independence

Un commentaire de Richard Le Hir

VOTE NO and get more powers. That was the offer on the table from Prime Minister David Cameron yesterday, as he pledged to reopen the devolution settlement for Scotland if voters rejected independence in the forthcoming referendum.


Quebec lessons for Scotland in how to pop the question

By Randall Palmer OTTAWA | (Reuters) - For Brits grappling with the idea of Scottish independence, it may be worth looking across the Atlantic. ...

From Scotland, lessons on separatism

Do you agree that Scotland should be an independent country?

Not only does he avoid accusations of high-handedness, but by making “clear” the consequence of a yes vote, he warns off strategic voters who might be tempted to vote no just to extract better terms of union. But he would not do so if he were not confident of victory. And with good reason : current polls show support for Scottish separation is higher in England than in Scotland.

Le Québec entre l’arbre et l’Écosse

Ce serait tout de même le diable si l’avenir du Québec devait finir par se jouer sur un air de cornemuse

Il ne faudra donc pas se surprendre que nos médias fédéralistes feront tout en leur pouvoir pour nous en dire le moins possible sur ce qui se passe en Écosse, leur comportement s’inspirant de la vieille règle d’or du colonialisme britannique « Don’t do anything to stir up the natives », et étant entendu que les « natives », en français « les indigènes », c’est nous.

L'Écosse en plein débat préréférendaire

Les Écossais seront-ils indépendants avant les Québécois?

En attendant l'automne 2014, les Écossais pourraient bien donner quelques leçons de politique aux Québécois.

Il souffle un vent référendaire ces jours-ci sur les côtes écossaises. Vu de la colline du château qui domine la ville, on sent une grande fébrilité et le climat politique ressemble à s'y méprendre aux années qui ont précédé le référendum québécois de 1995.

Scottish independence referendum: Holyrood ‘has no power to hold vote on independence’

Advocate General Lord Wallace said earlier this week the Scottish Parliament has no power to de...

Scottish independence referendum

Salmond claims links to Irish freedom struggle

By Tom Peterkin, Scottish Political Editor - ALEX Salmond has spa...

Scottish independence referendum

Salmond attacks UK's 'bullying tactics'

First minister invites PM to discuss referendum and likens Westminster's treatment of Scotland to behaviour towards Ireland

Alex Salmond has invited David Cameron and Nick Clegg to visit Scotland to discuss the UK government's proposal to accelerate the timetable for a referendum on Scot...

L'Écosse obtient le feu vert pour un référendum sur son indépendance

Le gouvernement britannique a confirmé mardi qu'il accordera à l'Écosse tous les pouvoirs dont elle a besoin pour organiser un référendum sur son indépendance. Le leader du gouvernement semi-autonome de l'Écosse, Alex Salmond, milite depuis longtemps pour l'indépendance. Il affirme que la fin de la Grande-Bretagne donnerait à son pays un contrôle plus important sur les ressources en hydrocarbures de la mer...

Scotland referendum

David Cameron throws down the gauntlet to Salmond

PM takes gamble on union, telling Scotland's first minister independence vote must be held within next 18 months

Patrick Wintour, political editor - David Cameron is to take a high-stakes gamble with the union this week by telling the Scottish first minister, Alex Salmond, he can have a binding referendum on Scottish independence – but only in the next 18 months, after which any referendum can be no more than advisory.

Salmond's secret plan to win Scottish independence

SNP leader wants a referendum to consider three options, including 'devolution max'

Ever since the SNP won this year's Scottish Parliament elections, opinion polls have shown the gap narrowing between independence and support for the union. Some have even put independence ahead.

UK could face break-up within a few years warns country’s most senior civil servant

- Sir Gus O'Donnell said Westminster will face 'enormous challenges' holding the union together - SNP has promised to hold a referendum on Scottish independence by 2016 - Alex Salmond says Sir Gus is 'right to raise the constitutional issue' - Sir Gus lists keeping Britain out of the Euro against Tony Blair's wishes as one of his proudest achievements in wide-ranging interview By Rob Cooper

Sir Gus O’Donnell: The UK faces break-up

Britain's most senior civil servant Sir Gus O’Donnell has publicly questioned whether the United Kingdom will still exist in a few years’ time.

Cabinet Chief: UK faces break-up Sir Gus O’Donnell is Britain's most senior civil servant Photo: DAVID ROSE Christopher Hope By Christopher Hope, and J...

Don’t impose Quebec-style Clarity Act on us, Scotland minister warns U.K.

By Peter O’Neil OTTAWA — The British government risks a public backlash in Scotland if ...

Scotland and England: what future for the Union?

The future of the 200-year link between England and Scotland has never been more hotly debated. We asked some of Scotland's best known writers for their opinions on the state of this marriage is and what independence might mean for their home country

Scotland to split from UK and 'be a nation again'?

With a referendum looming, critics allege an independent Scotland would likely be at odds with the US on many issues

It is the nation that once ran the largest empire the world has ever known, a country so powerful that it claimed to "rule the waves" in a patriotic anthem. But last month a "political tsunami" struck the United Kingdom and this once-mighty state faces being broken up.

Antidote aux paralytiques

Souveraineté par élection classique à double majorité

Il y a peu de temps je pris contact avec le Parti National Écossais (SNP) au sujet de ses stratégies pour une Écosse indépendante. La similarité des démarches politiques, les stratégies utilisées, les contrecoups des opposants, etc, une longue liste de points invite à la comparaison. Je contactai le SNP plus précisément au sujet du référendum à titre d’outil vers l’indépendance. Plus précisément, ses défis, défauts et ...

Victoire des indépendantistes en Ecosse = mort du Royaume-Uni ?

Par Sylvain Biville - Le SNP, gagnant des élections locales du 5 mai, veut un référendum sur l'indépendance. L'avenir du Royaume-Uni est en jeu.

Separatists gain ground in Scotland, with Alex Salmond playing Rene Levesque

Kelly McParland - Maybe Gilles Duceppe should move to Scotland. The f...

Victoire historique pour les nationalistes écossais

Majoritaires au Parlement d'Édimbourg, ils promettent un référendum sur l'indépendance.

Le parti indépendantiste écossais a provoqué une énorme surprise en remportant vendredi la majorité absolue des élus au Parlement d'Édimbourg. Fort de ce succès, obtenu aux dépens des trois grandes formations politiques traditionnelles, conservateurs, travaillistes et libéraux-démocrates, le leader du Scottish National Party (SNP) Alex Salmond a promis un référendum sur l'indépendance de l'Écosse d'ici à cinq ans.


Salmond Wins Majority in Scotland as Cameron Vows to Defend U.K.

First Minister Alex Salmond’s pro-independence party won an unprecedented majority in elections to the Scottish Parliament, handing him a second-term and a mandate to push for greater autonomy for Scotland.

If the secession question is clear, Scots will say No

Most of them, like most Quebeckers, hesitate to choose a smaller, weaker country

Next Monday, people with names such as Simpson can indulge, if they wish, in the rituals of Scottishness, be it a few d...