Crise financière mondiale

Revue de presse - 9 août 2011

Chronique de Richard Le Hir

Revue de presse produite avec l’aimable collaboration de Richard Le Hir
US Closer to 'Junk Bond' Status Than Triple-A: Bove
The Best Looking Horse In The Glue Factory.

Uncertainty and indecision threaten Bank America and global markets
AUG 9, 2011 09:41 EDT
The Big Danger Is Europe
By Robert Samuelson

Americans wonder where the misery will end->]
U.S. outlook casts shadow over world economy
Tableau très intéressant sur la responsabilité de chacun des derniers présidents dans l'accumulation de la dette américaine

Bruxelles peine à accélérer le rythme du plan de sauvetage
['Bad news over and over again': Financial uncertainty is the new normal->Economic uncertainty feels like the new normal]

Dashed Hopes
How Obama Disappointed the World


The Indecisive President
Obama's Weakness Is a Problem for the Global Economy

Showdown with the Mob
_ Cameron Fights for Law and Order

Bond-Buying Perils
_ ECB Risks Inflation and Loss of Independence
An Analysis by Stefan Kaiser - The next taboo has already been broken in Europe, with the European Central Bank now buying up Italian bonds. With its interventionist policies, the ECB is becoming increasingly similar to the US Federal Reserve. It's a path fraught with serious risks.
Treasurys pare recent gains ahead of auction, Fed
_ Fed policy makers seen with few options to soothe worries

S&P déclasse plusieurs géants du système financier américain
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac et cinq compagnies d'assurance américaines ont perdu le "triple A" dont elles bénéficiaient auprès de l'agence Standard & Poor's.
Greek Bank Run Continues Unabated: €3.8 Billion In June Outflows Bring Total Deposit Base To Mid-2007 Levels

Bank withdrawals
Dépôts bancaires/BCE: "pas bon signe"

... vont croissantes les craintes d'un nouveau gel du marché interbancaire, comme pendant la crise financière.

La BCE met de facto l'Italie sous tutelle

GB : des renforts policiers , le Parlement réuni en urgence
Get ready for Great Recession 2.0
Commentary: Looks like a double dip is right around the corner


Bourses: l'Amérique latine dévisse
_ Nightmare on Wall Street
Blue-chip index lost 698 points last week and nearly matches that now in a single session.
Gold hits highs, and Treasurys paradoxically rise.
London riots escalate as police battle for control
• Full-scale alert as violence spreads across capital
• Disorder breaks out in Birmingham city centre
• Prime minister, mayor and home secretary return

Asian Shares Dive on Panic Selling, US Slump

UK manufacturing fall adds to market turmoil

• Shock 0.4% decline in factory production in June
• Car production suffers 1.7% fall
• FTSE down 2% on news and debt crises
• UK trade gap rises to £8.87bn

London Police Run Out of Space as City Licks Wounds

16,000 police officers will hit the city's streets on Tuesday night

Productity Slows Less Than Expected as Labor Costs Rise

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