Crise financière mondiale

Revue de presse - 12 août 2011

Chronique de Richard Le Hir

Revue de presse produite avec l’aimable collaboration de Richard Le Hir
Germany must defend the euro
By George Soros
The only way that Europe can escape from this trap is by acting in anticipation of financial markets’ reactions, rather than yielding to their pressure after the fact. This would require intense debate and soul-searching, particularly in Germany, which, as the EU’s largest and best-rated economy, has been thrust into the position of deciding the future of Europe.
That is a role that Germany has been eager to avoid and remains unwilling to accept. But Germany has no real choice. A breakdown of the euro would precipitate a banking crisis that would be beyond the global financial authorities’ ability to control. The longer Germany takes to recognize this, the higher the price it will have to pay.

Slash and Burn as the New Normal - Feral Capitalism Hits the Streets

Chine : l'excédent commercial s'élève à 31,48 milliards de dollars en juillet

BEIJING, 10 août (Xinhua) -- L'excédent commercial de la Chine a fortement progressé pour atteindre 31,48 milliards de dollars en juillet, contre 22,27 milliards de dollars au mois de juin, a annoncé mercredi l'Administration générale des Douanes.
Les exportations en juillet se sont élevées à 175,128 milliards de dollars en glissement annuel, en hausse de 20,4%, contre 17,9% en juin.
Les importations ont augmenté de 22,9% en glissement annuel à 143,64 milliards de dollars, dépassant les 19,3% du mois de juin.


The moral decay of our society is as bad at the top as the bottom
By Peter Oborne Politics Last updated: August 11th, 2011
Tottenham ablaze: the riots began early on Sunday (Photo: AP)

Tottenham ablaze: the riots began early on Sunday (Photo: AP)
David Cameron, Ed Miliband and the entire British political class came together yesterday to denounce the rioters. They were of course right to say that the actions of these looters, arsonists and muggers were abhorrent and criminal, and that the police should be given more support.
But there was also something very phony and hypocritical about all the shock and outrage expressed in parliament. MPs spoke about the week’s dreadful events as if they were nothing to do with them.
I cannot accept that this is the case. Indeed, I believe that the criminality in our streets cannot be dissociated from the moral disintegration in the highest ranks of modern British society. The last two decades have seen a terrifying decline in standards among the British governing elite. It has become acceptable for our politicians to lie and to cheat. An almost universal culture of selfishness and greed has grown up.
Brésil-Une juge anti-corruption abattue par un commando
Le déficit commercial américain au plus haut depuis octobre 2008

Le déficit commercial des Etats-Unis s'est creusé en juin en raison d'un déclin des exportations et des importations.

Le déficit commercial des Etats-Unis s'est creusé contre toute attente en juin à son plus haut niveau depuis octobre 2008, en raison d'un déclin des exportations et des importations signalant un ralentissement de la demande mondiale, selon les chiffres publiés jeudi par le département du Commerce.
La balance des échanges affiche un déficit de 53,07 milliards de dollars, alors que le marché s'attendait à ce qu'il se réduise à 48 milliards.
En mai, le déficit s'était élevé à 50,83 milliards (50,23 milliards en première estimation).
Les exportations ont diminué de 2,3% contre -0,5% en mai, plus vite que les importations (-0,8% après +2,9% en mai).

La Chine profite de la crise pour asseoir sa puissance
LEMONDE.FR | 12.08.11 | 21h29

Financial markets
_ Hit me baby one more time
_ Markets will take any help they can get

_ American idiocracy
_ The civil war in Washington, DC, is damaging American business


French economy stagnates as consumers cut spending
Eurostat data shows French GDP was flat in the second quarter


Police revolt against David Cameron's reform agenda
Prime minister forced to retreat after calling riot tactics timid as ICM poll shows public side with police

Senior police officers were in open revolt over the government's police reform agenda on Friday, reacting furiously to criticism of the way they handled the riots, and turning their fire on the home secretary, Theresa May, after she suggested she had instructed the police to take a tougher line.

Most Volatile Market Since Lehman

USA: moral des ménages au plus bas
Les raisons de la colère sociale en Israël
Tortures : la justice américaine autorise les poursuites contre Donald Rumsfeld

La mission en Libye est statique, admet un général canadien
Conservative transport minister Denis Lebel confirms former ties to the Bloc
BHL, ou Tintin chez les diplomates
Le philosophe a beaucoup pesé pour que Paris s’engage contre Kadhafi. De grands principes et un opportunisme teinté d’amateurisme qui pourrait faire des dégâts.
Gordon Brown: Europe is still burying its head in the sand
This latest market crisis was predictable. Deeper economic, social and political agonies will follow as long as the eurozone avoids the big issues
Please Europe, either put up or break up
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Economics Last updated: August 5th, 2011

Qui détient les dettes d'État
Pasqua et Total renvoyés en correctionnelle dans l'affaire «pétrole contre nourriture»

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