Blokage canadian - les amis de Charest ont encore cette mentalité coloniale, voire nazie, de confondre la nation et le sang. Les Québécois ne sont pas les canadiens-français. La nation québécoise est diversité et modernité. Il y a des indépendantistes de toutes les couleurs. Mais quand on voit rouge mur à mur, on devient aveugle à la réalité.
Margaret Wente describes what Canada will be like in 47 years, as the country’s national age rises and its population becomes more dependent on immigration
Today, it's hard to imagine how powerful Quebec's French-Canadians used to be in national life. Demographics and immigration did them in. The separatist party collapsed in 2025, after its supporters literally died out. French-speaking immigrants from Africa and Haiti didn't care about the old battles, and with the end of transfer payments, Quebec lost its leverage on Ottawa for good. Today Quebeckers make up less than 20 per cent of the Canadian population, and live in the poorest province of them all. But they still have the best places to eat.