Tous les articles dans The Toronto Star (161)


Good news on diversity from – gasp! – Quebec

Un noir tableau peint aux couleurs de Fo Niemi, Jean Charest et B'nai Brith... Oui, c'est effrayant !...

Quebec's toxic identity debate

This collective folly confirms the identity debate is out of hand.

Inflamed Quebec debate

The separatist Parti Québécois may have a new leader in Pauline Marois, but it has lost nothing of its old, coercive instincts.

Separatist movements less ominous

Separatist sentiment will always be part of the Quebec scene. But it shows every sign of settling in for a long remission. Quebecers seem to have become bored with the topic.

Caution on native rights

Ugly uproar over veils

One law for one and all, consistently applied

Par Haroon Siddiqui

Veils and blindfolds


Ontario Election

Pro vs. Con: Funding faith-based schools

Mulroney feared for his nation

`I am no longer sure that Canada can be saved, her unity maintained,' he wrote of the time after Meech Lake failed

Sauvons la planète de la tyrannie religieuse - Afghanistan, Iran, Irak, "etc"...

At war for the wrong reasons?

But if Canadians are tempted to continue fighting an Afghan war, the most compelling reason may be to keep a poor, struggling state free from religion's tyranny

When Harper plays host