From Scotland, lessons on separatism
Do you agree that Scotland should be an independent country?
Tabac, alcool, suicide... Faudra relire ces données pour corriger ces conclusions allègrement francophobes. - Vigile
Immigrants arrive in good shape but health declines the longer they stay: study
Le monde imaginaire de Conrad - un Canada pacifiste, influent, ambitieux. Crédulité, culot, chutzpah ou "derviche tourneur" ?
This guy is obviously hiding something -- and it's not just a past trip to a massage parlour
‘If he just serves out the term he has won, he will have been longer in office than all his predecessors except King, Macdonald, Trudeau and Laurier’
The era in which Quebec ideas, Quebec politicians and Quebec’s demands dominate our national dialogue can end, if the new Tory majority wants it to.
The editorial board believes Harper is still right for Canada