Des pertes prévues de 5,6 milliards pour le Québec
31 mars 2021
2- Les provinces contributrices sont en difficultés économiques, ce qui laissent prévoir une baisse de la péréquation pour le Québec :
Provincial budgets highlight need for equalization reform
Quebec, meanwhile, expects to become increasingly less reliant on federal transfers in coming years because of a better relative economic performance than in the rest of the country.
Quebec is still set to receive $13.1-billion in equalization payments from Ottawa in the 2021-22 fiscal year, a slight drop from the previous year, while neither Ontario nor Alberta are currently eligible for equalization. But after years of seeing its equalization take increase annually, Quebec now projects the amount it receives to decline modestly in coming years.(...)
While the declining fiscal fortunes of Ontario and Alberta are mainly because of years of negligence by current and previous governments, both provinces have called on Ottawa for a reform of equalization and other federal transfer programs to help them climb out of the hole. Those calls are only likely to grow stronger and more insistent in the postpandemic period.