Dror Bar-Natan renounces allegiance to Queen, spurs Monarchy debate


Même le Canada anglais n'en veut plus

The long-standing relationship between Canada and the queen — and the monarchy more generally — is being questioned right now...and by a brand new Canadian.

Yesterday, at a citizenship swearing-in ceremony in Toronto Dror Bar-Natan swore allegiance to the Queen of Canada, her heirs and successors. But he also had something to say.... after the oath.

"I wish to affirm my allegiance, my true allegiance to Canada, and to the people Canada and to disavow the royalty part and only the royalty part of the citizenship oath."
- Dror Bar-Natan at a citizenship swearing-in ceremony

Dror Bar-Natan is a professor of mathematics at the University of Toronto.

At his swearing-in ceremony yesterday, Dror Bar-Natan was ready for the cameras. He wore a red sweatshirt, with a rhetorical question printed on the back — It said, "Loyalty to Royalty? In 2015?"

Canada's allegiance to the King or Queen of England has been questioned before of course, but we thought it was a good time to revisit it today.

Because it is 2015!

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