Jack Jedwab

Asking the questions differently

L’actualité says it wanted to know what anglophones are thinking in order to foster linguistic dialogue. Why not ask francophones too?

Quebec anglos fail at integration test

I may agree that the French language is threatened, but I consider it unacceptable to label as “not integrated” those non-francophones who think otherwise.

Langue - Le français en déclin, vraiment?

D’un point de vue historique, le français à Montréal ne régresse pas malgré ce que certains voudraient nous faire croire

Gone - but his words are unforgotten

Jacques Parizeau's referendum-night comments about losing to money and ethnics resonate still

How many nations are there in Canada?

Declaring Quebec a 'nation' would open the door to aboriginals and many others


Un bilan complexe

L'optimisme de 1976 a cédé le pas au pessimisme de 2001