Pierre Martin

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    Pierre Martin50 articles

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    Pierre Martin est professeur titulaire au Département de science politique de l’Université de Montréal et directeur de la Chaire d’études politiques et économiques américaines (CÉPÉA). Il est également membre du Groupe d’étude et de recherche sur la sécurité internationale (GERSI)

The Quebec-Afghan connection

As Van Doos head overseas, calculating the political impact of casualties is unavoidable

Boisclair's legacy

The rise of Mario Dumont's Action démocratique threatens PQ's ability to cast itself as the sole champion of nationalism


After you, please, Ontario

Quebec would be wise to wait and see how its neighbour copes with a reformed system

What Super Mario's success means

To attract voters who do not want to choose sides on sovereignty or federalism, ADQ leader is opting for politics of confusion, notes Pierre Martin

What Quebec minority rule might look like

Jean Charest has one last rabbit to pull out of a hat today when the federal budget is unveiled, writes Pierre Martin

PQ's demise greatly exaggerated

As long as both sovereignty and the left remain alive, the party will be there

Malentendu ou supercherie?

La nation québécoise n'a pas été reconnue selon l'image que s'en font les Québécois eux-mêmes

Quebec, through the looking glass

Harper's motion was clever and ambiguous and did not see Quebecers as they see themselves, writes Pierre Martin